About Us

Friends You Can Count On
Who We are
Chaverim of Queens is a 100% Volunteer organization which was founded in January 2008 and started with just 10 volunteers covering 3-4 calls a day. Chaverim now has nearly 100 volunteers who respond to thousands of calls for assistance throughout the Queens area even covering extended areas as far as Long Island and Roslyn.
Chaverim is utilized to assist those in Emergency type situations. Some of these services include but are not limited to:
- Flat Tires
- Car Lockouts
- Boost for dead car batteries
- Home lockouts
- Out of gas
- Child locked in car

Our Approach
Since its inception, Chaverim has been accepted and acknowledged for the services we provide to the community. We do sometimes get calls from people asking for assistance for something that is not officially provided by the organization, however, if we are able to assist, our volunteers do it gladly!
Chaverim of Queens is recognized as 501(c)3 non- profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. Not one member of the organization including supervisors, coordinators, or individual volunteers are paid for the services we provide on behalf of the organization.
Our Efficiency
Prior to starting Chaverim, a lot of time was spent researching the best way to operate while providing quality service to the community with ease and efficiency.
Part of this research included finding the best available equipment for the volunteers at the best price. When the organization first started, each of our volunteers was provided with a full set of equipment to provide assistance in the most comfortable way possible. However, due to lack of funds, we currently need YOUR assistance to help us provide the proper equipment to our new volunteers.
This equipment may include any of the following items:
- Booster pack
- Air compressor
- Hydraulic jack
- Socket set
- Breaker bar
- Car Lockout kit
- Tire plug kit
- Gloves
- Flashlight
- Air wedge
- Door shims
- Gas canister
- Cordless impact wrench

Chaverim of Queens is dedicated in memory of Mr. Jack Friedman a"h.
Mr. Jack Friedman was a very prominent figure in the Community and was well known as a tremendous Baal Chesed worldwide who gave a lot of Charity and was dedicated to Chesed, pure acts of kindness. His family felt that the best way to Honor his namesake would be to dedicate an organization based on true Chesed, in his memory.
Chaverim of Queens, in memory of Jack Friedman is living up to its namesake by providing services 24 hours a day, 6 days a week, by volunteers who are dedicated to the organization and what its stands for….Chesed!
Members are dispatched day and night, rain, sun or snow, summer and winter, via e-mail or text which generates from our dispatch center.
Every person that we help also receives an envelope with a survey letter inside. With this survey, a caller can let us know how we assisted them, which volunteer(s) responded to their call and how they were treated by the volunteer. This allows us to keep the lines of communication open between the organization and the individuals in the community. Many surveys, when mailed back to us include a donation and nice “Thank You” letters. The donations help us to cover our costs, and the compliments we receive are passed on to the volunteers which strengthens them and keeps their drive and ambition alive to continue providing the chesed they do on a regular basis.
Some of the “extra” programs that Chaverim of Queens has taken on over the past few years includes:
Pre-Winter free car checkup
Purim “Don’t drink and Drive” program
Assisting with local searches for missing persons when requested