Help Rate Our Service As the Members of The Board of Chaverim, we would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to assist you. Please help us serve you better by taking a couple of minutes to tell us about the service that you have received from our member(s). We appreciate, you giving us the opportunity to do chesed and want to make sure that you had a pleasant experience. The following is a Satisfaction Survey which, if completed and returned to US, would be much appreciated. Sincerely, The BoardIn evaluating your most recent call to Chaverim, was the quality of service you received:(Required)SuperiorVery satisfactoryAbove averageSomewhat unsatisfactoryNature of the call:(Required) The Assisting Member was very courteous(Required)SuperiorVery satisfactoryAbove averageSomewhat unsatisfactoryWhich of the following qualities of the assisting member stood out (as being superior)?(Required) Patience Enthusiasm Friendliness Responsive The Assisting Member was very knowledgeable(Required)Strong AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeutralSomewhat disagreeName of Unit # of assiting member Name First Last PhoneEmail Help Chaverim keep going! Donate today! Donate